
Raffaele Gavarro

Raffaele Gavarro was born in Caserta in 1963. He lives in Rome. He graduated in Art History at the Sapienza University of Rome (1989) and he gratuated from the School of Specialization in Art History and Archaeology of the University of Siena (1995).

He’s an art historian, critic and curator.

He has been artistic director of art fairs in Rome (2009) and Venice (2006-2007) and director of the International Videominute Festival at the Luigi Pecci Contemporary Art Center in Prato (2008-2010). He was chief curator at the San Servolo Island in Venice (2005-2011), independent curator at the Macro Museum in Rome (2006) and curator of Maretti Prize (2011-2013). He curated the Italian Pavilion of the 11th Bienal de La Habana (2012). Since the mid 1990s he has curated numerous exhibitions in museums, public spaces and private galleries in Italy and in Europe, and he is author of as many text on Italian and International artists, as well as theoretical essays on current artistic studies, including “Oltre l’estetica” (Meltemi Editore, 2007), “L’arte senza l’arte – Mutamenti nella realtà analogico digitale” (Maretti Editore, 2020). He is a professor of New Media History and Theory at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.