
Cosimo Veneziano

Cosimo Veneziano (Moncalieri Turin, 1983) lives and works in Leeds, UK. He has taken part in various training and residency programmes, including: the XVII Corso Superiore di Arti Visive of the Fondazione Antonio Ratti from Como (tutor Liliana Moro), 2012; the trans-frontier project “Acteurs Transculturels” (tutors Luca Vitone and Saadane Afif), 2013; Villa Sträuli, Winthertur, Switzerland, 2015; Lugar a Dudas, Cali, Colombia, for the Resò network and CARS, Omegna, 2013. His one-person shows include: “Biomega Multiverso” at La Raia Foundation, 2019; “Rompi la finestra e ruba i frammenti!” at AlbumArte, Rome, 2018; Petrolio, MEF – Ettore Fico Museum, Turin, 2016; “Verso occidente l’impero dirige il suo corso” at the Alberto Peola Gallery, Turin, 2014; “Monochrome” at Villa Straüli, Winterthur, 2015; “Los contrabandistas copiaron una escultura de mucho valor” at Lugar a Dudas, Cali, Colombia, 2013; “Cattedrale” at the Careof DOCVA, Milan, 2013; “L’epoca delle passioni tristi” at the Tirana Institute for Contemporary Art, Tirana, 2011; “Campo volo” at Blank, Turin, 2011; “La possibilità di un’isola” at Associazione Barriera, Turin, 2009. His works have been included in group shows at: CESAC – Centro Sperimentale per le Arti Contemporanee, Caraglio, Cuneo; Herschel Museum of Astronomy, Bath; Kunstalle of São Paulo; Galleria Civica in Bolzano. As well as the works shown at group and one-person shows, his production has been developed towards the creation of works for public spaces, including the monument dedicated to Pinot Gallizio and Constant in Alba, and the projects for “Nuovi Committenti” in Rovigo, and “Dencityin Milan. Cosimo Veneziano is co-founder of the Diogene Project international residency founded in 2007 in Turin.

[Image: Cosimo Veneziano, Membrana, 2017]