
AlbumArte hosts Micart lecture – Yuri Ancarani | September 10, 2015

AlbumArte hosts

Yuri Ancarani | Micart
September 10, 2015

AlbumArte is delighted to host a lecture of Micart – Corso di alta formazione in Tecniche di Management per l’Impresa Creativa e le Arti Contemporanee (advanced training course) supported by Regione Lazio and promoted by Sky Italia,  Fondazione MAXXI and Fondazione Universitaria INUIT Tor Vergata.
Benedetta Di Loreto – curator of Qwatz and Ninì Candalino – writer, researcher and lecturer at University of Tor Vergata are going to meet the artist Yuri Ancarani, together with MICART students.

Lecture reserved for MICART studenst