
Sonia Andresano. Peso leggero | November 29, 2018


for the series AlbumArte | VideoArtForum 2018

Peso leggero
Sonia Andresano

Screening and debate with Claudio Libero Pisano

Thursday, November 29 2018 at 7:00am
Friday, November 30th and Saturday, December 1st video loop from 4:00 to 8:00pm

A new meeting of AlbumArte | VideoArtForum, the cycle of events focused on video art, presenting international or national premieres of artists’ films and videos with following debates with artists and critics, presents on Thursday 29th of November 2018, the absolute first screening of Peso leggero (3’ 32’’, 2018), the latest video by Sonia Andresano. The artist, who is originally from Campania but works in Rome, focuses her artistic research mainly on two intimate and personal themes, that of identity and of movement.
After the screening there will be a follow-up discussion with curator Claudio Libero Pisano.

As mentioned, Sonia Andresano is a young artist from Campania, transplanted in Rome. Or moved there, perhaps. In a sense, leaving behind her land and her home has always given her a certain anxiety and some profound sense of disorientation. Her research begins here: is this to head somewhere? Is it an attempt to break away from pains of the past or after the journey began? Is it an unavoidable experience for those born where she was born, who must necessarily expatriate? In the works that are part of this cycle, she recounts the detachment, the path, the journey, and the destination. Forced? And then, if it is a destination, is it inevitably logistic or is it a transfer of the soul? What’s the weight of all this? Does pain also move? How much of moving is wandering? How much does it make you reflect on the before and after, the present, and the hope for the future? The video Peso Leggero (Light Weight), filmed in early October this year, incites a feeling that makes us reflect on all this – offering perhaps a pivotal answer after a long time. With sharp images and well shot, the video requires one to stop and listen, in order to understand the message it conveys, what it puts before us and within us. At last, the artist believes this video represents a turning point, one at which a set of life chapters finally alleviates and culminates in a serene vision; indeed, a suspended sensation of light weight.

The video doesn’t follow a real narrative. I wanted to portray an unusual appearance, a surreal overturn. A sudden and powerful vision, in a city where I have never lived, has given me back the key to unpacking my innumerable movings, displacements and transfers over the years. I wanted to transform the heavy physical and emotional burden of constant movement into a suspended lightness, to alleviate the pains of the luggage which is always too cumbersome. The oxymoron of the title, in its deliberate indefiniteness describes a state of mind and provides a suggestion to overturn the results of experiences, possibly in our favor. (Sonia Andresano) 

The video Peso leggero will be projected in loop on Friday 30 November and on Saturday 1 December from 16.00 to 20.00.

Sonia Andresano (b. Salerno – Italy, 1983) lives and works in Rome. She attended the Accademia di Belle Arti of Rome and earned a degree in history of art from Rome’s “La Sapienza” University. Featuring themes such as waiting, travel, nomadism and change, her works convey personal perspectives and an experience that is always becoming. The final result of her works is a combination of media ranging from performance and video, to photography and sculpture. In 2017 she has won the first prize at Apulia Land Art Festival. Her most recent exhibitions are Tandem at the Mole Vanvitelliana in Ancona (2018) and Tiny Biennale at the Temple University in Rome (2018).

Claudio Libero Pisano has a restoration training; he has participated over the years in the recovery of the marbles of the Arch of Constantine and the mosaics of the Trajan Market in Rome. He worked in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki in Greece. Since 2005, he deals with contemporary art and he directed the CIAC – Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea from 2007 to 2017. The museum had as its mission the enhancement of artistic excellencies, developed through exhibitions, workshops and conferences in the context of the research on contemporary art. He teaches Contemporary Museology at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. He works in the curatorial field, mainly in the institutional sphere.

